Frequently asked questions : 帮助

How to ship to the post office (EMS) : 如何运寄邮局(EMS)

1Write the address of the recipient and the sender correctly
Write the address of the recipient and the sender correctly. It is recommended to take pictures before packing to leave evidence. It is necessary to pack the Buddha's card in a shockproof and stable manner. 把收件人 和送件人的地址写正确, 建议在打包之前先照相下来留下证据,必需把佛牌打 包防震坚稳些
2Photographed as evidence
Before packing the file box, I suggest you sign the middle of the three openings of the file box. Then stick the scotch tape, then record it again as evidence, and pass the evidence to the recipient to know that it will be lost. 在打包文件箱子之前建议大家把文件箱子的三个开口的中间签名, 再贴住透明胶带,之后再次照相录下为证据,把所照的证据传给收件人知道,防止遗失。
3EMS and EMS numbers must be collected
EMS and EMS numbers must be collected and should not be thrown away. Prevent problems in the mailing or the other party can't receive anything 必需把 EMS 单及 EMS 号码收好,不应该赶快丢掉, 防止在运寄之中有问题或对方收不到东西